Advantages of Marital Agreements for Entrepreneurs

Advantages of Marital Agreements for Entrepreneurs

Marital agreements help entrepreneurs to safeguard themselves and their families against any claims from third parties. They can be also useful to protect their company in the event of a divorce, and in the event of their death or incapacity to act.

What are the advantages of marital agreements for entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs want to safeguard themselves and their families against any claims from third parties. They also wish to protect their company in the event of a divorce. And, furthermore, they would like to be in control of what happens to their company, not only today, but in the future, in the event of their death or incapacity to act.

Swiss family law offers entrepreneurs a powerful management tool in the form of marital agreements. Each individual case has to be analysed with regard to its specific aims and framework conditions. The objective is a personalised solution that takes account of the individual needs of the entrepreneur.

Swiss matrimonial property law provides for three property regimes:

  • The Marital Property Regime of Participation in Acquired Property, as the statutory type of regulation.
  • The Separation of Property.
  • The Community of Property.

The Separation of Property and the Community of Property can be substantiated via a marital agreement. Marital agreements require notarisation in order to be valid.

Participation in acquired property: During the existing marriage, the assets, debts, income and expenditure of the spouses (apart from those for the joint household andthe fulfilment of the duty of matrimonial support) are kept separately.  In the event of the termination of this regime due to divorce, the assets accrued during the marriage will be shared fifty-fifty between the spouses respectively the heirs.

In the case of companies this can lead to illiquidity and pose a threat to a company’s continued existence. In order to avoid this, a pre-existing company can be transferred to the entrepreneur’s individual property. This means that the entrepreneur’s spouse no longer has any claim to it.

Separation of property: In the event of a divorce, each spouse retains whatever property he/she brought to the marriage. In the event of the death of a spouse, the property succession is exclusively subject to the rules and provisions governing inheritance.

The transferral of companies, property and other assets to the individual property of one spouse is becoming increasingly possible within the community of property (however, this is not effective in the case of divorce). Companies and other assets can also be shifted to the common property of both spouses under the community of property provision and be transferred to the surviving spouse by way of inheritance with effect in rem.

However, the community of property is only to be recommended if neither spouse has any personal liability risks. It has the advantage, which should not be under-estimated, that the surviving spouse receives the company or shares in the company directly as property by way of inheritance and can compensate the co-heirs in another way, according to his/her choice. This then avoids a state of limbo in the property and controlling interests following the death of an entrepreneur.

marital agreements

Nico H. Burki

Burki Rechtsanwälte
External Threats To Middle Eastern Family Business

External Threats To Middle Eastern Family Business

Common flaws in family business legal structures in the Middle East and the resulting risks

Middle Eastern family business legal structures often reflect serious and potentially catastrophic weaknesses through failure to shield and protect the founder and the core assets from serious external threats to the business like legal risks.

There is a strange paradox associated with Middle Eastern businesses. On the one hand, family businesses are the real strength and spine of the Middle Eastern economies. Alongside sovereign enterprises, family businesses dominate the business landscape. On the other hand, close examination of particular Middle Eastern family businesses, even very large ones, frequently reveals frailties and fault lines which expose them to external threats and business risks; and to far less visible threats from the inside.

In many cases these weaknesses will not be obvious to the outside observer, or even to the families themselves.

External Threats

Typically, Middle Eastern family businesses are highly diversified and have many compartments. Unfortunately, the famous 1912 shipwreck the RMS Titanic also had many compartments – but because those compartments were not totally sealed and separated the Titanic sank to the bottom of the ocean when the ship tilted and the rushing waters flooded over the dividing walls into every compartment.

The typical Middle Eastern family business is completely exposed to a disaster in one compartment of the business spreading to the other compartments. Why? The answer is that there are serious weaknesses evident in the most commonly used family business structures, e.g:

  1. businesses are often set up as sole establishments owned by an individual within the family (often the founder) therefore one catastrophe (e.g. a fire in a large building owned by the founder himself) carries financial consequences and exposures directly to the core of the family’s asset base;
  2. many families operate an array of businesses through registering multiple branches of a family “mother company”, a shoddy structure design. Taking this cheap and convenient shortcut means that every liability of every branch is a direct liability of the core mother company (usually the company which owns all the major assets);
  3. failure to have a coherent corporate structure often leads to the twin evils of reliance on borrowings secured by personal guarantees and a failure to track and identify adequately the performance or losses of individual businesses within the family’s portfolio.

For the above reasons, many family businesses in the Middle Eastern inhabit glass villas – and any major hailstorm will prove catastrophic.

What Can Families Do?

Good legal advice can help families. For example:

  1. create a corporate legal structure for the family which has watertight compartments;
  2. isolate “blue chip” investment assets from entities carrying on trading enterprises with business risks and borrowings;
  3. create a corporate legal structure which is both bankable and “deal friendly”;


Many Middle Eastern families run enormously successful and growing enterprises, using “cutting edge” business models and technology. Yet, all too often their legal infrastructure is shoddy, creaky, rusty and dangerous. It is high time families overhauled their legal infrastructure, before a setback in one compartment sinks the entire ship

Note: An extended version of this article was first published in “The Oath”, the Middle East Law Journal for Corporates in May 2014.

Prenuptial agreements and wealth planning

Prenuptial agreements and wealth planning

Prenuptial agreements can be used to protect family wealth and to ensure a fair settlement for all parties without the necessity of going to court. This article relates to international families and their use of prenuptial agreements to make wealth planning decisions for the future. We look at what they are, how the courts view them in different jurisdictions and how and why they are currently being used.

What are prenuptial and postnuptial agreements?

‘Pre-nuptial agreements’ are also referred to as pre-marital agreements, ante-nuptial agreements and often shortened to ‘prenups’. They are contracts made by two parties in contemplation of marriage. They outline each party’s responsibilities and property rights in the unfortunate event of their marriage breaking down.

A ‘post nuptial agreement’ is one which is entered into during the marriage and may be, as with a prenuptial agreement, made in case of marital breakdown, or one which has been made following the breakdown of the marriage (a ‘separation agreement’). Post nuptial agreements made in contemplation of marital breakdown are often drawn up to re-enforce a previous prenuptial agreement. For ease of reading, we will refer to prenuptial agreements here.

Why do couples enter into pre-nuptial agreements?

In certain jurisdictions, prenuptial agreements are the norm. In others they are considered unusual, and frankly, unromantic! But there are good reasons for entering into an agreement these days in particular for wealthy families with an international lifestyle and a range of assets held globally hoping to ensure that this wealth stays with that party or his/her family:

  • To provide asset protection: protect family wealth from what has become an increasingly generous series of awards in favour of the weaker party and the vulnerability of inherited wealth, particularly in some common law jurisdictions. Where the wealth has been brought into the family solely by one party, and this could be for many reasons but including where one party is older and has successfully accumulated wealth by his own efforts or because a party has the benefit of family and inherited wealth. It is common for prenuptial agreements to ring fence premarital assets and allow for a fair distribution of only those assets which are accumulated during the marriage;
  • To simplify matters on divorce, create certainty and avoid lengthy and expensive litigation;
  • To protect the interests of children from a previous marriage;
  • Although traditionally seen as a tool for the wealthy, a prenup can also record and allow compensation to a party for giving up employment, or moving jurisdictions for the sake of the family.

How do the courts view prenuptial agreements?

There has been a significant change in attitude towards prenuptial agreements in recent years. Originally they were seen by the courts as a threat to the flexible jurisdiction which prevailed protecting the rights of the financially weaker spouse. In common law countries such as England and Hong Kong, family law has been designed to ensure a fair division of marital property, dependant on a number of different factors to determine who should get what in order to allow the parties to carry on with their lives as comfortably as possible after divorce. The trouble was, the outcome was unpredictable and could differ from one judge to another, depending on his exercise of his judicial discretion. If there was a prenuptial agreement is was just one of the factors the court would consider.

Prenuptial agreements were seen as a tool of the wealthy to limit the rights of the weaker spouse by making her (traditionally) sign an agreement which would arrange that a certain amount would be payable dependant upon the number of years they were married, how many children they had and so on. However, with the increase in awards, particularly in common law jurisdictions, the perception of the prenuptial agreement has changed to one of prudent planning, so long as the rights of the weaker spouse and children are protected within the document.

Very recently in England, the Law Commission has recommended that there be a change in the legislation to make prenuptial agreements legally binding. This has been controversial as in many sectors of society, particularly the Church, prenuptial agreements are considered against public policy as they undermine the idea of marriage as a life long union. Now the papers are all reporting that DIY divorce will become all the rage as couples can write their own contracts before getting married which the courts will recognize as valid.

In reality, society has changed over the years and divorce has become commonplace. Consequently the courts have become more sympathetic to the parties’ wish to regulate their affairs in what is hoped to be a cost efficient way. In most jurisdictions, however, safeguards have been put in place to ensure that such agreements are fair, that financial responsibilities are met and they are not designed by the parties to defeat creditors. Some guidelines common to many jurisdictions are set out below.


Generally, a prenuptial agreement will be enforceable if:

  • Both parties have received independent legal advice – although this is not always fatal if a party was able to take legal advice but chose not to;
  • There has been full disclosure. It is important that each party has the information material to his or her decision and each party had intended that this agreement would govern the financial consequences of the marital breakdown;
  • There is no evidence of duress, fraud or misrepresentation which would in any event put a contract into question, but in addition to this, evidence of undue influence and other unworthy conduct, such as exploitation of a dominant position to secure an unfair advantage, may render the agreement unenforceable. It has been suggested that there should be at least 28 days between signing the agreement and the wedding to allow proper consideration of the implications of the agreement and to ensure that there is no question of pressure at the time of signing;
  • The agreement must be fair. If one party wishes to ring fence inherited or pre marital assets, it is as well to compensate the other party in the division of the post marital assets. If the marriage is long, inherited wealth, pre marital assets and trusts will all be more vulnerable to a claim. The law differs from one jurisdiction to the next in respect of premarital and inherited wealth but in England and Hong Kong the needs of both parties will be considered first. If there is any surplus for distribution, factors such as the duration of the marriage and whether the inherited or premarital wealth has been mingled and used by the parties in their general living expenses will be relevant. If so the funds will be vulnerable, even if there has been an attempt to ring fence that asset by, for example, putting it in a trust.
  • Special care should be taken to provide for children and the inclusion of a review clause is advisable as the contract may become less relevant over time.
  • Are nuptial agreements enforceable in all jurisdictions?
  • For the international client, it is important to know where prenuptial agreements will be enforceable. There is a tread, even where they are not enforceable, that they should be taken into account:
  • In most countries in Europe as well as the US and Russia, prenuptial agreements are strictly enforced and in China, they are enforceable under Article 19 of the Marriage Law;
  • In Canada, New Zealand and Australia they are binding generally. In Canada they are binding, so long as there has been independent legal advice and full disclosure. Further the courts can intervene if the provision for division of property is unfair. In Australia, prenuptial agreements are binding pursuant to Part VIIIA of the Family Law Act. In New Zealand, they are binding unless a court considers that letting the contract stand would cause ‘serious injustice’;
  • In England and Wales, following the 2010 Supreme Court case of Radmacher v Granatino, prenuptial agreements are enforceable, subject to certain conditions, and we await the outcome of the Law Commission’s report;
  • In Singapore, following the Court of Appeal case of TQ v TR, where, in addition to allowing the principle that a pre-nuptial agreement may be considered in a court’s determination of a fair result, it further held that foreign prenuptial agreements governed by foreign law will be given significant weight and would normally be enforceable;
  • In Hong Kong, prenuptial agreements are not enforceable per se, but the existence of such a contract will be a factor which will be taken into account in all the circumstances of the case.

Are nuptial agreements enforceable between jurisdictions?

It is material where the agreement has been finalised but it is more important where the case is heard. In Radmacher v Granatino, the case involved a prenuptial agreement which had been settled in Germany, between a German wife and a French husband with a German law clause. As the couple were resident in London at the time of the divorce, and the petition was issued there, the matter was determined by the English court. In Germany, the agreement would have been strictly enforced, in England, before its determination by the Supreme Court, it was not.

The current disparity between jurisdictions can often give rise to a dispute over forum. The party in whose favour the prenuptial agreement has been made may well go to great lengths to establish that that country should hear the dispute as to financial division particularly where the contract is strictly enforced. At present, if the case is to be heard in England or Hong Kong, the outcome is less certain. A governing law clause may help in a forum dispute, but may not be determinative. If there is a forum dispute, the whereabouts of the assets will be material.


Given the prevalence of prenuptial agreements and the fact that in most jurisdictions they are enforceable, they are a useful tool for international wealthy families. They are regularly viewed as prudent wealth planning, along with the creation of family trusts. The fact that inherited wealth and trusts, which would normally be vulnerable to asset division upon divorce, particularly in England and Hong Kong, can be ring fenced with a prenuptial agreement is particularly attractive.

However, even where such agreements are enforceable, care must be taken with the drafting as many agreements end up being litigated – the opposite of the parties’ intentions. There have been a string of high profile cases in Australia over the last few years. The idea of the ‘DIY prenup’ is therefore not an attractive thought and experts in the field should be consulted to avoid expensive court battles.